Announcing the Vanguard Mobile Toolbox App

Mobile Toolbox V1.0 App: Your QUICK ACCESS Solution for VANGUARD Information

Vanguard Mobile Toolbox appIn today’s fast-paced world, having immediate access to essential information is crucial, especially for those constantly on the move. We are excited to introduce the Vanguard Mobile Toolbox V1.0 app – a dedicated platform designed to provide swift and convenient access to vital Vanguard communication information and news, exclusively tailored for mobile devices.

It’s important to note that this app is not a replication of our full website. Instead, it serves as a streamlined resource, offering you important and easily accessible information about Vanguard Truck Centers without the need for extensive searches.

Key Features:

  1. Save to Your Mobile Home Screen:  No need for downloads – simply save the app to your mobile home screen for quick and hassle-free access.

  2. Swift Access to Location Information:  Retrieve location phone numbers, addresses, directions, and hours at your fingertips.

  3. After Hours Support:  Dial after-hours support numbers from our manufacturers seamlessly, ensuring assistance is just a call away.

  4. News and Contact Us:  Stay updated with the latest news and easily reach out to us through the Contact Us feature.

  5. Employment Information and Job Listings:  Explore employment opportunities and browse job listings linked within the app.

  6. Upcoming Features:  Exciting new functionalities are on the horizon, including email and text signup for news, promos and events – stay tuned for updates and enhancements.


Adding the app to your mobile home screen is a breeze. Simply go to the start page, open your mobile browser options, and tap “Add to homescreen” for instant access whenever you need it. Some mobile device browsers may vary.

Embrace the future of on-the-go communication with the Vanguard Mobile Toolbox V1.0 app – your go-to solution for quick and efficient access to Vanguard Truck Centers’ information.

Scan to get started.  If you are already on your mobile device, just tap the code.

Mobile Toolbox QR code

***Please don’t text or use mobile applications while driving.

For a more in-depth exploration of our products and services, we invite you to visit Vanguard Truck Centers’ full website at